

1. Three different schwas and sonority-driven stress in Piuma Paiwan

Journal Articles

1. Accepted. Phonetics of European Portuguese stress: A nonce word experiment. Journal of the International Phonetic Association.

2. 2019. Evidence for sonority-driven stress (with Paul de Lacy). Catalan Journal of Linguistics 18. 

3. 2018. On the existence of sonority-driven stress in Gujarati. Phonology 35.

Conference Proceedings

1. 2023. Segmental and suprasegmental cues in competition: A nonce word experiment. Proceedings of the 58th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society.

2. 2019. The phonetics and phonology of non-moraic schwas: New evidence from Piuma Paiwan. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society.

3. 2018. On the interaction between phrase-final lengthening and prosodic structure. Proceedings of the 53rd Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society.

4. 2017. Binarity and focus in prosodic phrasing: New evidence from Taiwan Mandarin. Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Meeting on Phonology  

5. 2017. Major phrases are binary: Evidence from Taiwan Mandarin flat structure. Proceedings of the 34th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics

6. 2016. Sonority-driven stress does not exist. Supplemental Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Meeting on Phonology.  


1. 2018. Non-moraic schwa: Phonology and phonetics. Doctoral Dissertation. Rutgers University.